About us

Solidarity Tracks is a non-profit and non governmental organization, promoting youth exchanges, mobility and intercultural learning on European and worldwide scale. Solidarity Tracks disseminate the value of the human rights and pursue the initiative of responsible and sustainable development.
The actions of Solidarity Tracks support individuals’ personal development in relation to local sustainable development.
Our organization was established thanks to a heartfelt aspiration and cooperation of men, women and children of every age, from different regions of Greece and abroad. The ultimate goal of our organization is to understand the links which unite people, inspire us, supports the spirit for an equal and mutual development.

Our goal is to put into action the following activities:

  • Bringing together youth exchange networks.
  • Promoting and bringing awareness of new forms of consumption and recycling to local community.
  • Implementing innovative programs, which enable people to collaborate.
  • Organizing non-formal education sections adapted to any age and to different capacities.

The organization “Solidarity Tracks” has launched a great innovative programme which is supported by various local parties.
Why we call this programme innovative?

  • It places the individual into the forefront of the action.
  • It makes social link among people based on dialogue, solidarity and collaboration.
  • It shows the power of initiative, actions and decision making of young prople to valuable opportunities.
  • It offers the local community and its economy remarkable novel potential.
  • It breathes new life into the present and in the future development brings responsible and alternative consumption, in alternative tourism approach and agriculture.
  • It recognizes the interaction between the local development and international relations.
  • It promotes the healthy environment in correlation with the society.

What values we defend?
The organization “Solidarity Tracks” has been established 4 years ago and since that have been successfully working following a common principle determined on the “Global Declaration of Human Rights” and the Millennium’s Targets.
This principle is based on strong foundation and values such as: tolerance, equality, justice, world peace, dialogue, the respect for the cultural differences, and last but not least of the equal socioeconomic development. All members of our organization show respect and disseminate these values and objectives.

In service of young people’s education
The organization “Solidarity Tracks” spreads the knowledge at the greatest degree so that everybody could occupy an active place within this context.
The network of our organization is dynamic by the common will and determination is focused on the development which supports humanitarianism and solidarity.

Actions for all ages
Although our actions bear mainly on the young people our organization also offers chance for adults to participate if they are interested to be engaged in the activities which are related to the youth development actions. The whole set of our activities may interest either a teenager which would like to undertake a journey of solidarity and volunteerism also adults who are eager to take part in activities that are carried out within the scope of the organization. We are mostly keen on the sustainable development and the solidarity spirit (local or global). Every activity of ours corresponds to particular educational methods so public can become its “own” action.
Our organization has launched an influential working process in matters of education, in order to assure a continuous life-long learning process which stimulates and at the same time benefits and is distributed all around.
Our activities is of complementary nature and everybody can “find himself” being part of the different range of actions!