Path for Soft Skills through Theater – Training Course for youth workers

17-28 June in Lefkas, Greece

Pass the IDEA

Soft skills are personal qualities in addition to our professional qualifications and experiences. They improve a person’s ability to interact. The soft skills correspond to the qualities of the know-how. They refer to how we interact and communicate with others. They are essential for any successful career. Different from technical skills, which are based on the ability to perform a certain type of task, soft skills are interpersonal and widely applicable. These skills are often described using terms associated with personality traits, such as: optimism, common sense, responsibility, sense of humor, integrity. They also correspond to abilities that can be practiced such as: empathy, teamwork, leadership, communication, good manners, negotiation, sociability, and problem solving.

Theatre is a mediation tool that integrates all these mechanisms. The frequent and long-term practice of theatre allows a considerable development of soft skills among young people. The development of soft skills is essential for the personal development and professional success of young people, including those with fewer opportunities. Non-formal education is a sure value for the development and recognition of the non-technical skills of young people. It is therefore necessary to mobilize the actors of non-formal education, to further help young people to develop their soft skills through personalized and adapted theatrical practices.

In this context, Solidarity Tracks in cooperation with Compagnie 3.42 organized a training course, where were invited 33 youth workers and young leaders/animators from different background active in non-formal education programs including people who are working for youngsters with less opportunities, experienced in setting up theatre activities, from 10 European countries.

During this 10-days course, in Lefkas, Greece, we strengthen our knowledge of the concept, types and values of soft skills and the appropriate methods and developed these skills. We shared our methods with young people in our activities to improve their soft skills. We also developed new skills on different methods of theatre education for improving the soft skills of young people, and the personalized choice of non-formal education tools through theatrical practice adapted for young people with different profiles & abilities and/or from different socio-cultural and economic backgrounds.






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Project funded by Erasmus+