You get competencies!

KA2 – Strategic Partnership (Exchange of good practices)

You get competencies

The general objective is the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and in vulnerable situations from Martinique, Greece and Portugal in the labour market, to combat school drop-out and unemployment, through the creation of networks and partnerships between youth workers from different European countries with an exchange of knowledge, good practices, opportunities and recognition of skills.

Promote the transfer of practices between all participating countries. Involve local partners from participating countries throughout the project to support and integrate young people without qualifications. §Build and carry out surveys and interviews with young people without qualifications, youth workers and local businesses whose jobs are in tension (lack of manpower) to know how they represent the personal and professional skills needed to get a job. §Build, from the results of the interviews, a framework of key competences to have to obtain a job (from the point of view of the young person as of the company) §Build and run thematic workshops for young people to facilitate their professional integration. Create an online educational booklet to promote good teaching practices from the project §Make the results of the project visible and valued by collectively organizing a public communication strategy.

Target group

Professionals and youth workers, social workers, animators/educators, trainers, who will be the beneficiaries of the pedagogical booklet to facilitate their accompaniment of the young people towards employment (at least 12 )

Young people with fewer opportunities who will benefit from our support to the formalization and recognition of their skills. They will also participate in thematic workshops to increase their knowledge and skills in topics facilitating their professional insertion (at least 16 per partner country )

Local enterprises/business that can potentially employ young people without qualifications. They will be asked to know their expectations in terms of essential skills to get a job in their enterprises (at least 5 per partner country)


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